The main functions for the personnel department are recruitment, hiring, training, records, legal requirements, health benefits, bargaining unit issues, negotiations, employee verifications, reporting and absence tracking.
In the payroll department the main functions are as follows: process all employee payroll and maintain all voluntary deduction, tax shelter annuities, IRS reporting for employees and retirement information (STRS/PERS/Social Security/Medicare).
Click on one of the following categories for more information:
Job Postings: Classified / Certificated / Management / Confidential
Salary Schedules: Classified / Certificated / Certificated Substitute / Confidential / Management / Preschool
Applications: Classified / Certificated / In-House Interest Sheet - Certificated / In-House Interest Sheet - Classified
Agreements/Contracts: CSEA Agreement - Unit A / CSEA Agreement - Unit B / WTA Contract
Kristi Boesch
Tel: (209) 357-6175 ext: 7500
Fax: (209) 357-1994
Melissa Rodriguez: Personnel Specialist
Tel: (209) 357-6175 ext: 7502
Fax: (209) 357-1994
Mayra Carrillo: Payroll Specialist
Phone: (209) 357-6175 ext: 7506
Fax: (209) 357-1994